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Kickstarter Video Production - Behind the Scenes

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Kickstarter Video Production - Behind the Scenes

If you're a follower of our Facebook page, you may have seen that we're in Atlanta, Georgia this week! We're on set shooting for an upcoming Kickstarter campaign. Kickstarter is one of the top sites out there for crowd funding a potential project or product. The product we're shooting video for this week is seriously amazing and we have no doubt it'll have a very successful Kickstarter campaign! One of the keys to a successful Kickstarter campaign is a high quality kickstarter film to accompany the product and help excite potential customers to get fund the project. We LOVE opportunities to be a part of these crowd funding videos for startups like this. It's so inspiring to be surrounded by the people who are changing our future with new and exciting technology!


We know, you're probably wondering what this special product is... Well you'll have to wait to find out, more details on this "game-changer" soon! Their campaign is planned to launch May 12th, so keep an eye out on our blog or Facebook page for their finalized Kickstarter film soon!

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Chico Business Promotional Video - Modern Building Inc. - The Greatest Modern Story Ever Told


Chico Business Promotional Video - Modern Building Inc. - The Greatest Modern Story Ever Told

What an honor it was to work with Modern Building Inc. on this business promotional film. Modern is one of the leading construction companies in the North State. If you're not into construction, you may not have heard of their name... but if you're from Chico or Northern California even, you've definitely heard of some of the buildings they have have built from scratch. Enloe Hospital, Chico High School, Tri Counties Bank Operations Center to name a few. One of our favorites they've constructed is the Sierra Nevada Brewery here in Chico, they are also currently working on the one going up on the East Coast in North Carolina!

What was really special about creating this business promotional film was truly getting to know this company for who they are. To do this we went around and interviewed TONS of people, from the CEO's and presidents, to the construction workers, project managers and former/current clients. With hours and hours worth of interviews we listened through and pulled the snippets you hear to create the story below. What was really incredible to see was how four distinct themes emerged in almost every interview we did. They were "Family", "Community Involvement", "Challenge", and "Innovation" and we believe those four categories describe Modern Building Inc. so well!

They are innovative and cutting-edge in their construction methods, they take on big challenges and are always able to achieve their goals. Modern has a small family oriented feel, with heavy involvement in the Chico and surrounding communities.

When we interviewed all these Modern team members separately, with no preparation or giving them the questions early, it was amazing to see how everyone's description of Modern just fit perfectly with those four attributes. Each member of the Modern Building team loves what they do and does it so well, they know Modern's vision and work hard to continue to perform at such a high level.

Capturing all of this in this business video production was such a pleasure for us. We love being able to tell the stories of businesses like these who are doing such great work in our community! Enjoy the promotional film by clicking below, "The Greatest Modern Story Ever Told".




Chico Business Promotional Video - Woodzee Lookbook - Style & Nature


Chico Business Promotional Video - Woodzee Lookbook - Style & Nature

Oh MAN are we excited to share this business promotional film with you!!! Woodzee makes the coolest wooden sunglasses you've ever laid your eyes on. Not only that, they are giving back in sustainable ways that we love. Plant the box that these wooden glasses come in and it grows a plant. Even when you buy a pair of Woodzee shades they'll plant a tree in a location of your choosing! This company has BIG dreams for 2014 and we're so excited to partner with them as they change the world one branch at a time!

Doing video production for businesses in Chico has been such a fun creative outlet for us. While we love telling wedding "love stories", businesses have stories to tell too! It's so fun to meet with fellow dreamers like ourselves, collaborate and craft these fun pieces of art in the form of an online promotional video. This Woodzee project was extra fun to make and I'm sure you'll see why when you click PLAY below!